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Power Flushing
Did you know?
A dirty central heating system can cost up to 35% more a year to run in comparision to a clean heating system.
Over time, your central heating system builds sludge and corrosion which in turn can cause your heating system to become very inefficient and eventually break down.
Does my Central Heating System need a Powerflush?
Some symptons of a dirty heating system can be as follows:
The boiler or pump becomes very noisy
Combi boiler develops a blocked heat exchanger, causing your hot water temperature to become reduced and possibly intermittant.
The radiators have cold spots or not working at all.
It takes a lot long than normal for the system to warm up.
Radiators need regular bleeding of air.
Evidence of sludge and rust in the system. An example of this is the water that comes form the air vent is a dirty black colour.
Pump seizing up regularly
If your heating system is suffering from one or more of the above issues, it could well benefit from a powerflush.
The Solution!
Chaney Heating Ltd use high quality power flushing equipment along with some of the best system cleaning chemicals on the market.
We will flush your system and help return it to its former glory.
Give your heating system the clean up it needs today and improve the performance and cost of your heating this winter!
Call us today for your free site survey and no obligation quote!

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